After Donovan's death.
Arianna comes across a love letter, never before discovered.
My Dearest Ari,
I'm so sorry. -If only there were some way that I could help you understand.
I do not wish to rationalize my behavior. I know that I was wrong. And I think somewhere I've known it all along. I have just refused to recognize it.
My flesh overruled my heart, and where I thought I would find fulfillment I was found wanting even more instead.
-How could I ever ask you to forgive me? When all was well with me I forsook you and knew not how much you had become a part of me. Now, all I thought I loved has been taken from me and I recognize that what remains, even after all these years, is You.
The emptiness was always there without You. In truth, I think it always will be. Now, more than I ever was before, I am ready to be whole. And now I know that it is You I need beside me in order to accomplish it. But now, I fear, for me it is too late.
It is not you, Ari, who is undeserving of me. It is I, that will ever-be taking two steps forward and falling another step back treading in the footsteps of your shadow.
Yours -If you will have me- And, I fear, Yours Even Still if you will not,
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